Course Audits

Section: III.  STSV - 205
Approved By: Dr. Ivan Harrell, 3/22/22
Last Review: 3/14/22
Last Revision: 3/14/22
Prior Revisions: 11/2003, 1/28/04
Initial Adoption: Unknown


A student who audits a course pays full tuition and fees. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as a part of a student’s course load; this may affect a student’s status if they receive financial aid, veteran’s benefits, or hold an F-1/M-1 visa. 

A student who audits a course must meet the attendance requirements of the course. Individual faculty members determine participation and attendance requirements for their courses. If attendance requirements for the course are met, an “N” grade will be recorded; if they are not, a “W” will be recorded.  Neither grade is computed in the grade point average.  A student may convert from audit to credit or from credit to audit no later than the 10th calendar day of the quarter.


The course audit option allows a student to participate in a course for the purposes of self-enrichment and/or academic exploration.

To Whom Does This Policy Apply

All individuals registered for classes at Tacoma Community College.


Previous Board Policy Manual Section 4.5040 Course Audits




Students can submit a completed Audit Form to Enrollment Services to audit a class.

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